Achieve Counseling and Educational Services

Misty Harris
Misty Harris, LCDC, SAP, NCAC – has been in the counseling field for over 15 years. Prior to becoming a counselor, Misty was an office manager and graphics designer but felt something was missing and decided to continue her education. Upon arriving at the college to enroll, she opened the catalogue, and the Substance Abuse/Social Work program page was the first page she opened. She felt this was a sign and jumped in. Misty was raised in the Chicago area where drug and alcohol addiction were very prevalent in her family. She competed her AA degrees at Eastfield College and is enrolled at TWU to complete her bachelor's degree. Misty’s educational and career goals is to complete her master’s degree as an LPC. Misty works with adults and teenagers in an outpatient setting. Previous to LMR, she worked at Nexus Recovery Center as the Housing Coordinator and Counselor for over 8 years. During this time, she was worked in residential and outpatient treatment for women and children. She was part of the Dallas PD Street Outreach Team, Children of Prisoners Task Force Member, Dallas County Homeless Coalition and Dallas County Youth Outreach Team. Misty continues to gain certifications that will help her improve her patients' lives.
Current Licenses ad Certifications – LCDC, SAP, NCAC, T4C-CF, C2C-CF, LS/CMI
Achieve Counseling has been a dream for many years. The dream of helping individuals and families overcome the chaos and insanity of addiction. In the darkest of times is when we believe you need the experience of a professional to help you. You did not chose for your life to become unmanageable and to be addicted to drugs or alcoholic. It was not your mission in life to lose everything that is important to us including family and friends. You have done things that you are not proud of and would have never imagine doing. Your life has become unmanageable and you are at your limit. Let us help you. Let us help you get your life back.
Misty and Wayne have been married for 28 years with three wonderful children and two amazing grandchildren, Landon and Nevaeh. They have very different backgrounds, but their experiences have led them to create Achieve Counseling and Educational Services.
Wayne Harris
Wayne Harris is currently pursuing his education to become a Substance Abuse Counselor. For 28 years, Wayne worked in the restaurant business, mostly as a bartender. As he started working with Misty, helping with her DWI Education and other classes, he realized that his experience as a bartender could bring a different perspective to the class. Currently Wayne is licensed by the State of Texas as a DWI Education Instructor and a Drug Offender Education Program Instructor. He is also a Certified Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) facilitator and teaches, Anger Management, Corrective Thinking and Marijuana Intervention classes. Wayne has many years of experience in training and education including 8 years of classroom volunteering in public high schools.
Current Licenses and Certifications – TDLR DWI Ed, TDLR DOEP, CCI-MRT.